45 years of Experince as pain physcian, since 1978
1985: Board Certification – D.A. (Diploma in Anesthesia), Faculty of Anesthetists of The Royal College Of England, London.
1987: Board Certification – F.F.A.R.C.S.I., Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Anesthesia.
1990: Board Certification – American Board of Anesthesiology.
Certification – American Academy of Pain Management
2002: Certification – American Board of Pain Medicine
1988 – 1990: Research Fellowship, Wayne State University.
1990 – 1991: Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit.
Faculty Appointments
Clinical Associate Professor Dept. of Anesthesia, Wayne State University, Detroit
Past And Present Major Professional Societies
Member of Faculty of Anesthetists of The Royal college of Surgeons of England, London, Great Britain.
Member Faculty of Anesthetists of Royal College of Anesthetists of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
International Anesthesiology Research Society, Cleveland, Ohio
American Society of Anesthesiology.
American Medical Association
American Society of Regional Anesthesia
Society of Ambulatory Anesthesiology
American Pain Society
American Academy of Pain Medicine
Past And Present State Licenses
State Licenses: States of New York, Michigan and Florida
1990 – 1992: Pediatric Anesthesia: Teaching & Lectures anesthesia and procedures medical students and residents
1992 – 2012: Externs, Medical Student, Resident & Fellows: Pain Management & Anesthesia
- Hour Magazine 2009- Best Pain Specialist in Michigan
- March 21, 2011- Acknowledged as 70 of the Best Pain Management Physicians in America by Laura Miller in Becker’s Spine Review
- August 12, 2011- 15 Great Physicians in Michigan
- March 21, 2011- 70 of the Best Pain Management Physicians in America, Written by Laura Miller, ASC Review
- May 01, 2012- 150 Pain Management Physicians to Know, Written by Laura Miller, Taryn Tawoda & Abby Callard, ASC Review
- Kerkar PD, Koscevic R: Comparison of antismoking effects of acupuncture and diazepam in 137 chronic smokers. Sybetra News – June, 12-15, 1980.
- Kerkar PD, Koscevic R: Industrial accidents and loss of working hours Sybetra News- January, 21 – 23, 1981
- Dhabuwala CB, Kumar A, Kerkar PD, Bhutawala A, Pierce J: Patterns of doppler recordings and it’s relationship to varicocele in infertile men. International J. of Andrology 12:430-438, 1989. Source
- Dhabhuwala CB, Kerkar PD, Kumar A, Bhutawala A, Pierce J:Intracavernous Papaverine in Management of psychogenic impotence. Archives of Andrology 24:185- 191, 1990 – Source.
Published Abstracts
- Dhabuwala CB, Howard J, Kerkar PD, Pierce J: Use of intra cavernous epinephrine for the management of priapisp. J. of Urology 141:1078 (A) 1989.
- Dhabuwala CB, Kerkar PD, Fliegel S, Pierce J: Donor’s sperm morphological characterization using electron microscope. J. of Andrology 13955 (A) 1990.
- Kerkar PD, Fligiel S, McMath L, Kundu S, Motamidi M, Spears, R, Haas GP:Laser balloon dilatation of the ureter: Histological and electron microscopical study of normal tissue effects. Presented at American Urological Association on Oct. 1990.
- Haas GP, Kerkar PD, Kumar A, Motamidi M,Spears R: Laser Balloon dilatation of the prostatic urethra. Presented at American Urological Association on Oct. 1990.
- Kerkar PD, Jewell M: Do intraoperative CV complications prolong hospital stay for same-day-surgery pediatric patients? Anesthesia and Analgesia February 1991
- Kerkar PD, Dhanda S and Jewell M: Postoperative CPK levels in healthy pediatric patients. ASA abstracts, Anesthesiology A950, Sept. 1991.
- Kerkar PD, Dhanda S and Jewell M: Effects of General Anesthetics and Relaxants on immediate and 24 hrs CPK levels in children. Anesthesia and Analgesia, Feb. 1992.
- Kerkar PD, Fuleihan s. and D. Weaver: Surgical and Anesthetic outcome using Amicar and NaHCO3: After Cryotherapy and Cryotherapy with wedge resection of hepatic malignancies.
- Kerkar PD, Fuleihan S., Saveh RE, Sharma S: Hemodynamic Changes Following I.V. Sedation in Hypertensive Patients Chronically Treated with Either Ace-Inhibitors or Calcium Channel Blocker in Same Day Surgery, April 1999.