Every woman experiences some form of vaginal discharge and it is a sign that you are healthy. Vaginal discharge allows the vagina to clean out and get rid of any harmful bacteria or dead cells and also prevents infections. While the normal vaginal discharge appears clear or milky white, a common question faced by many women is that, is it normal to have orange vaginal discharge?
Is It Normal To Have Orange Vaginal Discharge?
Normal vaginal discharge should appear to be milky white to clear. So, is it normal to have an orange vaginal discharge? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by many women.
If you are having orange vaginal discharge, it is a sign that there is an underlying condition. It typically implies that you might be having a sexually transmitted infection (STI). When the color and smell of the vaginal discharge becomes irregular, it means that something has disrupted the natural balance of bacteria or yeast in the vagina. This can lead to irritation, irregular discharge, and an unusual or fishy odor.
Orange vaginal discharge is generally a sign of infection. The color can range from being a bright orange to being a dark and rusty orangish color. Two of the most commonly occurring vaginal infections that may lead to an orange-colored vaginal discharge are trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis.
Trichomoniasis and Orange Vaginal Discharge
Trichomoniasis is another commonly occurring sexually transmitted infection (STI) which is caused by a parasite. While women are more susceptible to this infection, it is also prevalent in men. Trichomoniasis or trich is one of the commonest causes that can make you have orange vaginal discharge. While this type of STI may not cause many symptoms, some women do tend to experience the following symptoms:
- Orange, yellow, white, or green vaginal discharge
- Genital itching
- Genital irritation
- Having a ‘fishy’ smell
- Discomfort or burning sensation while urinating
A trich infection can only be treated with antibiotics; however, in spite of a course of antibiotics, some women may have experience the infection again. This can again set the symptoms in addition to an orange vaginal discharge. If you want to prevent recurrent trich infections, it is important that both you and your sexual partner receive the treatment. If even after completing a course of antibiotics, you still continue to notice irregular symptoms or signs of recurrence of the infection, you must consult your doctor to ensure there is no other underlying condition.
Bacterial Vaginosis and Orange Vaginal Discharge
Also referred to as only BV, bacterial vaginosis occurs as a result of an imbalance of the good and bad bacteria present in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most commonly occurring infections and one of the main reasons for orange vaginal discharge. Although in some cases, it tends to clear up on its own itself, for any recurrent or long standing infections, it is better to seek medical advice. Your doctor will then prescribe some antibiotics for treating this commonly occurring infection.
How can you identify that you are suffering from BV? Here are the most common symptoms of BV:
- White, grayish, greenish, or orange vaginal discharge
- Having an abnormal vaginal odor
- Having a foul and ‘fishy’ odor that tends to get stronger after sexual intercourse
- Having a burning sensation while urinating
Other Causes of Orange Vaginal Discharge
In addition to the commonest causes, here are some other conditions that can make you have orange vaginal discharge.
Menstrual Blood Mixed in Discharge
Many times, an orange vaginal discharge could also simply be a sign that it is the end of your menstrual cycle. Towards the end of a menstrual period, it is often common to start noticing a rust-colored or brown colored discharge. As there is often some blood mixed into the discharge, it tends to alter the normal color. Instead of having a rust-colored hue, it may also appear to be orange. There is nothing to worry about in this scenario, but if it continues to last after your menstrual period has come to an end, then you should consider consulting your doctor.
Some women may also have orange vaginal discharge at the very beginning of the menstruation, which again is due to blood mixed with vaginal discharge. Again, if menses do not follow soon, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
Sign of Implantation
Having a pink or orange vaginal discharge can also be a sign of implantation. This is the stage of pregnancy during which the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, generally around 10-12 days after you have intercourse. Having orange or pink vaginal discharge at this time does not signify the start of your menstrual periods. However, if you are worried, you can always consult your doctor and get tested.
If you are wondering, is it normal to have orange vaginal discharge, you must know that vaginal discharge is a part of being healthy. Different women have different colors of vaginal discharge and it normally ranges from being milky white to clear. However, having an orange vaginal discharge is usually not considered to be normal and it warrants a checkup with your doctor. Even if you notice that the symptoms disappear on their own, it is possible that they may reappear and also worsen without receiving proper treatment. Therefore, any change in your vaginal discharge or smell of the discharge should make you schedule a visit with your doctor.
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