Can You Pass Out If Your Blood Pressure Is Too High?

Can You Pass Out If Your Blood Pressure Is Too High?

Passing out or fainting also known as syncope is a sudden brief loss of consciousness that more often results in a fall.

While passing out may demonstrate a specific therapeutic condition, in some cases it might happen to a generally healthy person. It is a specific issue for the elderly who may experience the ill effects of fainting.

Most of the times the duration of passing out is exceptionally short. The person who has fainted recaptures total consciousness in only a couple of minutes.

In some cases, an individual may complain of nausea, headache or dizziness; but the signs may not really relate to the level of hypertension elevation. Passing out and nausea could be signs of another disease if your specialist excludes hypertension.

Remember that hypertension frequently have no symptoms by any means, regardless of whether pulse readings are particularly raised. That is the reason it is called “silent killer”. Unfortunately, individuals do not frequently look for medical consideration until the point that they encounter any moderate to severe symptoms. A man can have hypertension for a long time without knowing it and leaving it untreated can cause other severe ailments or organ dysfunction.

While dizziness can be due to the reaction of some hypertension medicines, it is not caused by hypertension. But it ought not to be overlooked, particularly if the beginning is sudden. Sudden wooziness, loss of balance, inconvenience in walking or passing out are all warning indications of a stroke. Hypertension is the main hazard for stroke.

What Causes Syncope?

Syncope is a sign that can be because of a few conditions, going from generous to dangerous conditions. Numerous non-hazardous variables, for example, dehydration, overheating, exhaustion, heavy sweating, or the pooling of blood in the legs because of sudden changes in body posture, can lead to syncope. It is vital to resolve the causes for syncope and any fundamental conditions.

Whereas a few severe heart conditions, for example, tachycardia, bradycardia, or blood flow blocking, can likewise be the cause of syncope.

How Does A Person Faint?

The brain depends on oxygen transported in the blood to work appropriately. Blacking out can happen when the flow of blood to the brain is diminished.

Your body typically redresses lessened blood flow to the brain rapidly, however, it can influence you to feel sweaty, odd, and dizzy. In case that it lasts for a longer time period, you may pass out.

A lessened flow of blood to the brain is frequently caused by a temporary issue with the part of your brain that directs the body’s automated capabilities, including blood pressure and heartbeat.

The fainting or passing out can be initiated by:

  • Emotional stress
  • Standing for the longer time
  • Pain
  • Physical procedures.

Vasovagal Syncope

Vasovagal syncope is the most well-known reason for passing out. In this circumstance, the balance between the chemicals adrenaline and acetylcholine is disturbed. Adrenaline charges the body, leading to the faster heartbeat and veins restriction, in this manner increasing blood pressure. Acetylcholine does the inverse. As the vagus nerve is reinforced, surplus acetylcholine is discharged, the heart rate moderates and the veins enlarge, letting it harder for blood to be pumped into the nervous system. This brief reduction in the blood flow to the nervous system causes the syncopal (passing out) situation.

Postural Hypotension

A few people feel fainted when they move too rapidly from a sitting or lying position to a standing position. This condition is termed as postural hypotension. This is more typical in the elderly, the patients who as of late had a long-term disease due to which they were restricted to bed and people who have weak muscle condition.

Hence, drop in blood pressure can make a person to faint or pass out, but there is no direct relation of passing out due to high blood pressure issue. The only factor found responsible for fainting is when you take certain hypertension drugs, which affects your blood vessels then you might probably experience the ill effects of passing out.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 24, 2018

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