About Hip Replacement Surgery:
Hip Replacement Surgery is a complex procedure that is done in patients who have a condition called Avascular Necrosis of the Hip. Avascular Necrosis of the hip is characterized by necrosis of the tissues of the hip bone as a result of decreased blood supply to the bone of the hip. This procedure involves removing the damaged part of the hip and replacing it with metal or plastic components which performs the same procedure as the original hip.
Hip Replacement is thought to be the last resort for surgeons after all other forms of treatment for Avascular Necrosis of the hip have been exhausted and are rendered ineffective in providing pain relief to the patient and improving the quality of life. A Hip replacement not only provides pain relief but also significantly improves the quality of life of the patient. It also allows the patient to be more functional and be able to walk for longer distances with minimal discomfort which may have been virtually impossible before the surgery.
A hip replacement procedure is done by first anesthetizing the patient and an incision is made on the side of the hip. The muscle surrounding the damaged is then moved and the damaged joint is visualized. The hip joint being a ball and socket joint, the ball portion of the hip is removed first and replaced with metal or plastic component as preferred by the patient. The artificial joint is then fixed with the use of cement. Next the socket portion of the hip is removed and replaced with the artificial joint and fixed to the ball portion of the joint with cement. The muscles that were moved are then reattached and the incision is closed. This is how a hip replacement is done.
When Can One Sleep On The Side After A Hip Replacement?
To answer this question, there is no specific time frame provided for an individual to be able to sleep on the side after a hip replacement surgery. Surgeons usually recommend at least a period of six to eight weeks to pass before allowing the patient to sleep on the side to prevent any chances of dislocation which are very high immediately after a hip replacement surgery.
Sleeping on the nonoperative side is allowed within 3-4 weeks after the surgery provided the patient keeps a pillow between the knees so that not much pressure is exerted on the new hip.
Other than this, whenever the patient feels comfortable he or she can sleep on the sides post a hip replacement surgery even though it is advised to let six to eight weeks pass before sleeping on the side after a hip replacement surgery.
Also Read:
- Q&A: Hip Joint Pain Treatment Approach and Options–Everything You Need To Know
- When Can A Person Go Back To Driving After A Hip Replacement Surgery?
- Signs of a Failing Hip Replacement
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