Dandruff is a common problem that most of the people are suffering from. Dandruff presents with white flakes spread across the hair, itchy scalp and lifeless hair. Surprisingly, every 9 out of 10 people have dandruff issues. Dandruff not only makes the scalp and hair look unsightly but it leads to hair loss, skin rashes and varying other problems. If not treated in time, dandruff may lead to various health issues. Knowing the causes of dandruff and ways about how to get rid of it can help to manage the condition well.
What is Dandruff?
Dandruff is not a disease, it is basically an outcome of yeast development, which when overgrow, start releasing white flakes. The yeast gets a chance to develop due to the presence of extra root generated grease and presence of dead skin cells. The dead skin cells, when frequently start shedding and turn into flakes they are identified as dandruff. The yeast causes itching, which is definitely embarrassing.
Dandruff is believed to be linked with seborrheic dermatitis. Those who are having seborrheic dermatitis usually have red, slimy skin around the eye brows, T zone of their faces, back of the ear. Usually Seborrheic dermatitis causes no problem but may be associated with the fungus namely Malassezia which stays onto the scalp and thrives due to the grease released by the hair follicle. When the scalp is irritated it discharges extra skin cells, which often results in flakes, known as dandruff.
What Causes Dandruff?
Understanding the causes of dandruff can help to avoid them and eventually get rid of dandruff.
Less Cleaning
When hair is not cleaned properly and regularly, the dandruff multiplies; unhygienic conditions are a common cause of dandruff. It is seen that when a person is used to shampooing less, the dirt and grease prepare a ground for dandruff production. There can be oil build up along with dead skin cells which gives rise to dry flakes. There are number of shampoos and medical solutions available in market, which can be used to keep the hair clean and free from oil and dirt.
Less Hair Brushing
People who abstain from combing or brushing hair run through the risk of developing dandruff. When hair is combed properly, blood circulation is improved and the development of yeast is hindered.
Dry Skin
People with dry skin are prone to have dandruff. When the room is overheated and the winter cool air is flowing outside, it gives rise to flaking, itchy skin. In those with a dry skin, white flakes are an outcome of such dryness of skin, however oily flakes are also there, which usually remain glued to hair and scalp.
Skin Conditions
People suffering from eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions may experience the invasion of dandruff quite frequently. Itching and scaly skin can be one of the causes of dandruff.
Medical Ailments
Some adults with neurological illnesses and Parkinson’s disease are seen to undergo dandruff problem even after undergoing treatment. People with a weak immune system may experience dandruff after heart attacks and strokes.
Reaction to Hair or Skin Care Products
Some people use different skin care products, without considering whether the product is suitable for the skin or not. Some people may be sensitive or allergic to certain type of products or the substances contained in them, which can result in itching, scaling and cause dandruff. Frequent shampooing too causes irritation of the scalp and can cause dandruff.
It is also believed that deficiency of Vitamin B complex and Zinc may be one of the causes of dandruff. Such nutritional deficiencies affect a person’s ability to fight infections and can add to the problems.
Mental stress
Stress is known to aggravate skin troubles and can be an aggravating factor or a cause of dandruff. Increased stress causes an imbalance of hormones, which can be related to skin problems, acne, pimples and of course itchy dandruff.
Reports and research says that people having HIV are at increased risk of yeast infection and yeast is directly involved in generating dandruff.
How To Get Rid Of Dandruff?
Although there are number of home solutions available most of us are unaware of it. Here are some ways to get rid of dandruff.
Using Aspirin
Aspirin is a medicine that contains salicylic acid and many dandruff shampoos too contain salicylic acid. Using aspirin can be one way in which you can get rid of dandruff. Two aspirin tablets need to be crushed into fine powder and the powder should be added to the shampoo. For one or two minutes the shampoo must be kept on scalp and rinsed properly. However, after this, hair must be washed with normal shampoo.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is believed to be an excellent home remedy to get rid of dandruff. Little amount of tea tree oil as minimum as 5%, can help to improve the severity of dandruff. Similar to aspirin, tea tree oil can be mixed with shampoo and the mixture can be applied.
Lemon is one of the best natural treatment to get rid of dandruff. The lemon drops need not to mix with shampoo rather the lemon drops should be massaged onto the scalp and rinse properly. But raw lemon juice shouldn’t be used. One tablespoon of lemon juice need to be mixed with one cup of water. The whole mixture is needed to be applied. Until the dandruff vanishes, the process should be repeated. Lemon juice helps in balancing the pH of the scalp and helps you to get rid of dandruff.
Drink Water
Those who tend to have dry skin; drinking water hydrates the body and also the scalp, so the possibility of generating white flakes decreases. Drinking plenty of water helps one to get rid of dryness and improve the skin and scalp quality, while getting rid of dandruff.
Medical Opinion
If dandruff persists, even after applying all these remedies it is important to seek medical opinion. Medical treatments for dandruff or other underlying infections may be useful to get rid of dandruff.
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