There are several types of motor vehicle collisions which occur in day to day life. Rear-end collision is once such type of motor vehicle collision that can cause severe injuries and damages. In this current article we will talk about some of the common injuries in a rear-end collision. Hope this would be a beneficial read for you.
What is a Rear-End Collision?
Rear-end collision is the collision wherein a vehicle, usually a truck or an automobile, crashes in to the vehicle in front of it. Rear-end automobile accidents are most common type of accidents all throughout the United States of America. It is reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and U.S. Department of Transportation that rear-end collisions account for about 29% of all automobile accidents.
Rear-End Collisions Involving Commercial Trucks:
The rear-end collisions which involve commercial trucks, are more severe. A commercial truck has enough weight to simply drive over and crush a small car. Such type of rear-end collisions are known to be override accidents and are mostly deadly. Apart from this, if a small car collides with the back of the truck, it can get stuck under the back of the trailer. Such types of rear-end collisions are known to be under-ride accidents and can be dangerous too.
Rear-End Collisions on Bicycles and Motorcycles:
Rear-end collisions can also involve bicycle and motorcycles. This can be serious too. May be the car hits the back of the bicycle or motorcycle or may be the motorcycle hits the back of the car, the rider is more often thrown from the bike and may hit the car or other objects before landing hard on the ground. There may be severe injuries in such types of collisions and may also be fatal in many cases.
Common Causes of Rear-End Collision:
There are several factors which are associated with the rear-end collision. Mostly rear-end collision occur due to negligence. Some of the common causes of rear-end collisions include the following
- Distracted driving often causes read end collision
- Aggressive driving including speed driving
- Driving under influence of drug or alcohol
- Trying to drive faster at yellow light on the traffic signal
- Driving when extremely fatigue.
Common Injuries in a Rear-End Collision:
Below are some of the common injuries in a rear-end collision.
Face and Head Injuries as a Result of Read-End Collision:
Many rear-end collisions occur at a lower speed that is less than 20 miles per hour. There may be severe face injuries like it can break your nose, fracture cheek and jawbone, break or damage all your teeth, cause serious damage to the skull and even detach your retina. Lacerations, bruises, abrasions etc to the face and scalp may be some less serious injuries on rear-end collisions.
“Whiplash” is a term used to describe pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder area that occurs when the neck, shoulders, and spine suddenly and violently move, or “snap” well beyond their normal range of motion. Also referred to as hypertextension and hyperflexion, the sudden snapping of your neck, shoulders, and spine is like the motion of a whip as it snaps, hence the term whiplash.
According to the National Safety Council, 20 percent of all people involved in rear-end collisions suffer a whiplash injury. Of those, almost 80 percent experience pain and soreness lasting longer than a week. Fifty percent have pain and soreness that lasts more than a year.
Back and Spinal Cord Injuries Caused Due to Read-End Collision:
Spinal cord injuries can be serious in many rear-end collisions. They may be at times so serious that the victim may be unable to work again or be normal with his daily life again after the collision.
The force of impact, even at low speeds, in a rear-end collision can cause compression of the spine and disc located in the lower back portion of the spinal column. It is primarily known as disc herniation.
Wrist, Finger, Hand and Arm Injuries:
Injuries to wrist, finger, hand and arm is also very common in a rear-end collision. The force of a rear-end car crash can cause the victim’s hands, wrists, fingers and arms to violently jerk on the steering wheel. Same injuries are also possible even if you are a passenger in the car,
Seatbelt injuries:
Seatbelt are supposed to instantly and firmly hold your torso from striking the steering wheel, dash board, and even the console and shifting column. However, there may be laceration or cuts due to seatbelts when your torso thrusts forward in a rear-end collision.
Road Rash and Burn Injuries:
Road rash and burn injuries are also common injuries in a rear-end collision.
Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer in a Rear-End Collision:
A personal injury lawyer or a car accident attorney plays a major role in helping you with your personal injury claims, if you are at no fault in the rear-end collision that made you or your near ones suffer damage at health, life or property. A lot can happen after a rear-end injury, including medical bills, time and wages lost due to inability to work after the collision, home health care, rehabilitation, etc and so on.
Auto insurance companies are known to minimize the extent of injuries sustained in rear-end collisions especially if there is minimal damage to the rear of the first car. In rear end collisions in which the occupant had some pre-existing medical condition or spinal injuries, or degenerative arthritis, even a low speed rear-end collision or impact can make them more susceptible to significant and long term injury to their back and neck in comparison to someone with no prior history of illnesses or injuries.
In such case, you need to find a good personal injury lawyer or a car accident attorney who can help you get the compensation for your loss. But be sure that you need to provide with the real details of the accident.
What to do After a Rear End Collision?
Though you may be visibly shaken or in a state of shock after getting involved in a rear-end collision but it is important that you do the following immediately after a motor vehicle accident:
- Contact 911 and report them about the accident and its location immediately;
- Irrespective of the extent of injuries, seek immediate medical treatment as some of the medical condition may not show immediate symptoms.
- Take the pictures of your vehicle, especially the pictures of the rear of your vehicle, the front of the negligent driver’s car.
- It is important to inform about the accident to your auto insurance company to obtain a no-fault claim for medical and hospital treatment;
- Avoid signing any document from the negligent driver’s insurance company without consulting with a car accident attorney first.
- Preferable to avoid giving any recorded statement to anyone.
Also Read:
- Causes of Truck Accidents, Common Injuries Sustained & How A Lawyer Can Help Settle Claims
- Auto Accident Injuries: 7 Common Injuries Following Auto Accident and Its Symptoms & Signs
- Automobile Accident Injuries: Types of Injury-Mild, Moderate or Severe Injuries, Medical Management of Injuries Following Automobile Accident
- Common Injuries in a Side-Swipe Car Accident
- Common Injuries in Head-On Collision & Role of Personal Injury Lawyers in Head-On Collision