As the body digests food, it absorbs and uses the nutrients and eliminates the waste as urine, which is produced by the kidneys. Urine is mostly composed of the excess water, which was used by the body to disintegrate these absorbed nutrients into easily usable products. Urinating is also important for maintaining the optimal acid and fluid levels in the body. Urine gets its yellow colour from the compound called urobilin, which is removed from the blood cells by the body. Sometimes, people feel an urge to urinate, but on trying to do so, nothing at all or maybe just a drop of urine comes out. Throughout the day, they tend to have this sensation to urinate. At other times the urination may be accompanied by a burning sensation. Are you wondering what causes the urge to urinate, but nothing comes out? Read the following to know more.
What Causes The Urge To Urinate But Nothing Comes Out?
There are multiple causes for this issue and UTI and kidney stones are the most common causes.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Having an urge to urinate, but nothing or very little coming out? This can be a strong symptom of UTI or urinary tract infection, which can also be painful at times. Bacterial infection in the urinary tract creates inflammation and the individual becomes unable to urinate regularly, which in turn causes more irritation from spasms. The bladder and the urethra, i.e. the passageway through which urine exits the body, when infected also cause the occurrence of a burning sensation. Every time the bladder muscle expands and contracts even when the bladder is not full, one may have the sensation to urinate. An UTI, when accompanied by pressure on the pubic bone or a burning sensation, can be highly annoying and constantly causes the urge to urinate and the urine does not come out.
Kidney Stones
The excess salts and acids, which the kidney is unable to flush out from the body, coagulate to form kidney stones. There are multiple reasons for the kidneys to have excess salts and acids. The entire area of the urinary tract which links the kidneys to the bladder can be affected by kidney stones. Many times, kidney stones take shape as the urine becomes extremely concentrated and allows the minerals to crystallize and form small stones. These stones are very painful to pass. Kidney stone may be present without showing any symptoms until they start to move around. Once they start moving within the kidney or into the urethra, many symptoms start to appear. Presence of kidney stones is indicated by the passage of pinkish, reddish, or brownish coloured urine which is cloudy and stinky. Painful urination, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, cramping below the back of the ribs and extreme pain between the groin and lower abdomen also point towards kidney stones. One may also experience the constant sensation to urinate, but nothing comes out
Drinking lots of fluids generally proves to be helpful in getting rid of the urinary tract infection and small kidney stones. If the infection is severe, one needs to visit a doctor and get some antibiotics prescribed in order to eliminate the UTI. If the kidney stones become very large in size, start moving and create complications, then the individual needs to take prescribed pain relieving medicines to ease the pain or even resort to surgery for relief.
What Are The Other Causes for The Urge To Urinate?
Although kidney stones and UTIs are the most common causes, there are other reasons too because of which one may have the sensation to urinate urgently and frequently. These are:
- Consumption of excess liquid, especially alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.
- Diabetes.
- Intake of diuretics.
- Infection in the vagina.
- Bladder infection or over-activity of the bladder.
- Stress and anxiety.
- Increased pressure on the bladder due to pregnancy.
- Infection or enlargement of the prostate.
- Urinary tract damage.
- Nervous system disorders like stroke.
- Radiation therapy in the pelvic area.
- Tumors and cancer.
When Should You Seek Medical Assistance In Case You Have The Sensation To Urinate But Nothing Comes Out?
The urgency to urinate frequently is a symptom for a number of injuries, infections and other medical conditions. The habitual sensation of needing to relieve one’s bladder develops through time. Frequent urination is considered to be normal until one does not have other diseases or medical symptoms. However, most of the time it is a symptom of another health issue. It is important for the individual to visit their doctor if they feel that their frequency and urgency of urinating is unusual or is a symptom of an underlying health condition.
Medical attention should be immediately sought if the sensation to urinate is affecting the individual’s lifestyle. These individuals may experience stomach aches, sudden weight loss, increased hunger and thirst, discharge from penis or vagina, feverishness and fatigue. If the urine is cloudy and stinky and blood appears in the urine one should consult a doctor at once.