MRSA is a term used for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus infection. It is caused by a specific type of staphylococcus bacteria, that has become resistant to methicillin antibiotics and to many other common antibiotics. This makes it even more difficult to treat MRSA infection and it can sometimes become life threatening.
How Do You Kill MRSA On Clothes?
The staph bacteria are usually found in most healthy people. They are found in nose or on skin. Staph bacteria are one of the commonest causes of skin infections in many countries. Usually, these infections tend to be minor and occur in the form of pustules or boils. These can be cured easily without the need for antibiotic. However, sometimes these infections may become serious enough to be life threatening, such as pneumonia, infections of the blood, wound infections etc. this is particularly serious since MRSA has become resistant to many types of antibiotics. MRSA is resistant to methicillin. However, it is resistant to many other antibiotics as well.
If you think your clothes, uniforms etc. have been infected with MRSA, you need to follow some things, that would likely kill the MRSA as well as stopping its spread to other people-
- Washing the uniforms, clothing, bed sheets, washcloths and towels with laundry detergent and water
- Using a hot dryer for drying the clothes, instead of air drying may also be useful in killing the bacteria
- Dry the clothes completely after washing using a dryer. Keeping them wet for a longer time may create a favorable environment for the bacteria to grow
- Clothes must be washed according to the instructions given on the labels
If you know for sure that a specific clothing has come into direct contact of the infection, you may want to launder it separately. However, this may not be completely necessary, since laundry detergents, additives and laundry procedures all take enough care to remove the contamination and kill the bacteria
Cleaning Other Equipment
- Contaminated or infected equipment and other surfaces should be cleaned with cleaner. These cleaners may be detergent based other registered disinfectants that are effective at removal of MRSA from the surfaces
- Most of the disinfectant manufacturers generally provide a list of micro-organisms on their labels, that can be eliminated or killed with their products or cleaners. Follow the instructions given on the labels and disinfect the surfaces and equipment accordingly
- Cleaners and disinfectant liquids may tend to cause other health issues like asthma and allergies. Hence, it is necessary to follow the instructions on the labels and use the cleaners accordingly
- Most common areas that can get contaminated in a company or another public setting are desks, benches, tables, chairs, keyboards, remote controls, keys, steering of vehicles, handles of a bike, door knobs and latches, washrooms and toilets, toilet seats, bath tubs etc.
- It is necessary to remove all the other material from these places and disinfect the necessary areas, surfaces and equipment thoroughly for good results and complete elimination
- It is important to give priority to workers’ safety in a workplace
- The employer must make sure that all the necessary, basic healthcare facilities are easily available and accessible to all the worker working in the set-up, including the non-official and housekeeping staff
- Encouraging the staff and other employees int the work set up to practice good hygiene can reduce the chances of infection and spread
- Following a regular housekeeping can ensure that the place is regularly cleaned and protected from various infections
It is good to encourage workers to not postpone their medical visits and seek medical help immediately if anything bothers them. A timely interference and a prompt treatment can prevent the spread of many diseases including MRSA.
MRSA on clothes can be eliminated by following proper hygiene and cleanliness protocol. Along with that, Washing the infected clothes with laundry detergents and hot-drying them can kill MRSA.
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