Do Eggs Cause Gas?

It is reasonable to say that you are intolerant towards eggs if you experience any of the gastric symptoms immediately after consuming boiled eggs. The dietary intolerance could lead to the production of gas, making it difficult for the product to break completely in the gut.

The intolerance occurs each time you try to consume an egg, and additionally cause digestive complications. Intolerance is entirely different from an egg allergy. The reason for the intolerance is due to lack of enzymes in the body that are critical in breaking down the food in the digestion process. The egg allergy is due to a reaction caused by the immune system of the body due to the proteins present in the egg. Egg allergy promotes gas production apart from producing other gastric troubles.

Do Eggs Cause Gas?

Do Eggs Cause Gas?

Yes, eggs can cause gas. The production of the gas after eating eggs is because your digestive system is unable to break down the proteins contained in the yolk of the egg. After consumption of any food, the body produces enzymes that help in breaking down the food particles for easy digestion to separate sugars and proteins. If your body is facing trouble in producing the required enzymes, then the proteins remain in the gut without undergoing the digestion process. Due to this, bacteria forms in the colon region surrounding the stored protein, developing the egg intolerance symptoms.

If you think you are susceptible to egg intolerance that is leading to the development of gas, you can sight it in its initial stage by understanding the symptoms. These include gas, bloating, pain in the abdominal region, cramps, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. You will be capable of seeing these signs anywhere after 30 minutes and two hours after consumption of an egg. The severity of the condition changes from one to another and depending on the intolerant level.

There is a possibility that large intestine produces the enzymes to burn the stored enzymes. In such cases, you can expect digestion and production of gas. However, if it is not the case and you notice severe pain with blood in stool or vomiting, seek immediate medical attention.

Treating the Gas Caused By Eggs

Treating the Gas Caused By Eggs

As eggs can cause the production of gas and if you are suffering from egg intolerance, it is possible to overcome it with proper treatment. The primary step includes identifying the reason, which will help in move forward with the treatment. Approaching a gastroenterologist will assist in finding the condition. After completing the diagnosis, the first thing that you need to do is keep away from eggs and its by-products.

The by-products of eggs may be under different names on the labels. For instance, egg powder, globulin, protein, lecithin, ovumucin, and others are by-products produced from eggs. According to the laws, it is important to mention the use of eggs on the product label. Therefore, read the labels before you pick up a product from the local store.


As egg intolerance and egg allergy are different, speaking with a doctor will avoid confusion. Avoiding confusion is important to identify if the production of the gas is due to egg intolerance or allergy. With proper details and information, it becomes easy to opt for the best treatment, which is, keeping away from eating eggs and its by-products.

The occurrence of gas in a person is a common ailment. In fact, a person passes gas 13 times in a single day. You will have to worry when it is consistent and to cause pain in the abdominal region. If eggs are the reason, remove them from the diet and check for the changes. If it persists, then seek medical attention for proper results.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 21, 2019

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