Are you in a sedentary sitting job that makes you worry about your overall health? Or are you in a job that requires you standing at work for most of the times in the day? Here in this article we will talk about the health benefits and also the side effects of standing at work as well as some of the do’s and don’ts. If you are really concerned about your health then this would be an interesting read for you.
Health Benefits of “Standing at Work”:
Let us begin with some of the health benefits of “Standing at work”.
Standing at Work Can Be Beneficial in Increasing Heart Rate:
It is found from studies that standing at work benefits in an increased heart rate. It is known that standing desk works, aids in increasing the average heart-rate of more than 8 beats per 60 seconds.
Increases HDL or Good Cholesterol:
Standing at work impacts clinical metabolic risk factors. It is known from studies that standing at work increases HDL or the good cholesterol and also aids in lowering the LDL or Bad cholesterol.
Weight Loss Benefits of Standing at Work:
One more health benefit of standing at work is that it aids in reducing weight and body size. One study has found that, 18 participants who used standing desks at their work for 3 months, did lose their body weight. So, it is likely that standing at work can actually be beneficial for weight loss.
Improves Mood:
It is also known from studies that standing at work job improves the persons mood. It has been found in a study that in one 7-week of standing desk use at work, participants reported reduced tension, fatigue, confusion and depression and also improved concentration, energy and happiness.
Improved Cognitive Function:
Standing at work may also be beneficial in improving cognitive function. Though there are no strong evidences on how standing desks impact cognitive abilities; it is known from a recent study that treadmill desks at work might actually aid in enhancing memory and attention in the workers.
Enhances Work Performance:
Standing at work may aid in improving work performance and productivity of the employees.
Side Effects of “Standing at Work”
Here below are some of the side effects of standing at work.
Health Problems Associated With Standing at Work:
Though it is true that standing being a natural human posture, usually causes no significant health issue; however working on a standing desk every day and for extended hours can cause some noted side effects or health problems which may include sore feet, varicose veins, swelling of the legs, general muscular fatigue, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, general muscular fatigue, and several other health issues.
Possible Serious Health Complications From Standing at Work:
Prolonged standing at work on a daily basis at a later phase of life can cause a serious health complication known as Rheumatic diseases because of degenerative damage to the tendons and ligaments because of lack of mobility.
Lack of Flexibility:
There is one more side effect of standing at work for a prolonged and frequent basis. Standing desks at work may limit the employees’ body positions. There is a lack of body flexibility which may again lead to some associated health issues.
Do’s and Don’ts While Standing at Work:
“If there are health benefits, take the best possible ones out of them; if there are side effects, try to conquer them”. Here, let us know about the Do’s and Don’ts while standing at work which would help you keep safe from the side effects of Standing at work.
Do’s While “Standing at Work”:
Below are some of the Do’s while standing at work:
- Adjust the height of the work station as per the dimensions of your body by using elbow height as a guide
- Organize your work place in a way that usual operations are done within easy reach
- Always keep you body close to the work while on a standing desk at workplace.
- Try and change your working position and not remain immobilized standing for long.
- In order to change your body weight from both leg to one or the other leg; use the foot rail.
- Always face the object at work while standing and working
- Have a seat near you and use it whenever possible while standing at work. This allows you to offer rest to your legs.
- Do wear shoes that provide a firm grip for the heel.
- Wear shoes that allow freedom to move your toes. Shoes that are narrow or too shallow can result in more of pain and fatigue if your job involves standing at work
- Do wear shoes having lace-up fastenings
- Always use a shock-absorbing cushioned insole while working on metal or on cement floors.
Don’ts While Standing at Work:
Below are some of the don’ts to note while standing at work:
- While standing at work, do not reach behind the shoulder line.
- Do not reach above shoulder line often while standing at work
- Avoid overreaching beyond the comfort point while in a standing position.
- Do not wear flat shoes.
- Do not wear shoes with high heels. A small heel in the shoes is good to reduce strain on the Achilles tendon.
- Avoid standing on metal or concrete floor
- Do not use thick rubber floor mats. Excessive cushioning can generate fatigue in the legs.
So, here in this article we talked about some of the health benefits, side effects as well as some do’s and don’ts of standing at work. If you found this beneficial, try to design your work place and your position while standing at work and keep away from the side effects of standing for long hours. You can get the best of health benefits by adapting to an active desk at work rather than being in a sedentary or sitting desk job.