Can Fibromyalgia Affect Your Eyes?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes physical and mental problems that also includes psychological distress, pain, and fatigue. A study highlighted that around 6 million people in the United States are suffering from this condition.
According to National Fibromyalgia Association, the symptoms related to the condition include disturbance in sleep, headaches, dry eyes, since the skin, dizziness, losing coordination and balance, and problems related to the vision that eventually leads to blindness. The effect of fibromyalgia on eyes has a more significant impact on the individual’s performance in completing daily activities.
Can Fibromyalgia Affect Your Eyes?
What Happens To The Eyes Of Fibromyalgia Patient?
A few of the instances listed below apply to everyone with fibromyalgia. However, the severity increases with the occurrence of fibromyalgia. In a few situations, the cases turn worse because of the use of medicines for curing fibromyalgia.
Dry Eyes
The symptoms of dry eyes can range from mild to severe. The occurrence of fibromyalgia causes dryness to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. Because of this condition, it is impossible for the individual to wear contacts. The tear production increases because of reduced nutritional intake and use of medicines for fibromyalgia.
Sensitivity Towards Light
The presence of fibromyalgia causes an individual to develop sensitivity towards the light. Due to this, it becomes necessary for the individual to wear dark glasses when they are about to step out from the indoors. The development of sensitivity towards light depends on the response of hypothalamus. In addition to it, light emitted from television or computer screen also affects the eyes of the fibromyalgia patient.
The pain associated with fibromyalgia is widespread and chronic. It includes the surroundings of the eyes and within. One can experience an escalation of the pain due to lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, and fatigue. The occurrence of fibromyalgia affects the ocular muscles because of which the individual develops misalignment of the eyes. Such a situation leads to blurry vision or double vision.
Blurry Vision
In a few occasions, it is possible for a fibromyalgia patient to develop mucus over the eyes. The presence of the additional layer causes impairment of vision and makes it difficult for the individual to perform smooth activities such as driving. Blurry vision is a common symptom among fibromyalgia patients. Physicians also link the sign to vertigo and postural dizziness.
Sensitivity Towards Touch
A few individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia develop sensitivity towards touch. Due to this, it becomes difficult for them to wear glasses, as the weight of the glass triggers the nerves in the face and neck developing excessive pain. The pain radiates to nose, teeth, and ears.
Though occurrence of blindness is rare, fibromyalgia possesses the ability to cause blindness. The condition develops arteritis, a form of inflammation that affects the temporal arteries. Attending correctly and treating with high doses of steroids is necessary to prevent the spread of the inflammation to the optical nerve. With the spread of the inflammation reaching the optical nerve, the resulting action leads to blindness.
Coping with Fibromyalgia
Learning to manage fibromyalgia will be helpful in preventing its impact on eyes. Acquiring facts about fibromyalgia is the first step for any individual. The information will provide the opportunity to take proactive measurements and focus on developing the health. The following strategies will be helpful in coping with fibromyalgia:
- Minimizing stress.
- Making modifications in the workplace.
- Improving communication skills.
- Learning to say “no”.
- Regular exercises.
- Eliminating caffeine from the diet.
- Participating in body and mind relaxation techniques.
- Paying attention to sleep conditions.
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