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How Long Does A Stuffy Nose Last?

About Stuffy Nose:

Stuffy nose is a common condition that occurs when tissues present in the inner nose start to produce excessive mucus. When the inner membrane lining of the nose detects any foreign material entering into the body via air, it produces chemical called histamine as the defense mechanism. Histamine increases the flow of blood into the inner tissues of the nose causing it to swell up. It is the swelling of the tissues that leads to the excessive production of mucus in the nose.

Usually, stuffy nose is not a severe condition and can go away in less than three weeks. However, in a few cases, it may become chronic and last for more than three weeks. In such cases, it can be problematic and cause uneasiness in body. This is particularly serious in case of infants who stop breastfeeding and also experience difficulty in breathing.

How Long Does A Stuffy Nose Last?

How Long Does A Stuffy Nose Last?

The general question people ask is How long does a stuffy nose last? Stuffy nose can last for anywhere between few days to a few weeks depending on the underlying problem.

  1. One of the common causes of stuffy nose is flu or cold. In this case, the stuffy nose lasts for less than a week. It is part of the symptoms of flu and would go away as the other symptoms clear off. The use of Echinacea is very helpful in getting the stuffy nose back to normal quickly.
  2. Stuffy nose can also be caused due to allergy to some particular particles in air such as pollen grains. In this case, the stuffy nose usually lasts longer as you cannot avoid exposure to the allergy causing particles. However, identification of the allergy causing particles can help you get your nose to normal with the help of nasal sprays and other anti-allergic remedies.
  3. In rare cases, the structural defects in the nasal bones can also lead to a stuffy nose. In such cases, the stuffy nose can stay forever until you undergo a surgical or other process for removing the defect in the structure.
  4. Stuffy Nose can also be a result of addiction to nasal sprays or decongestants. One would have a clear nose for a couple of hours with the use of steroid nasal sprays but once its effect weans after a couple of hours, person would again experience the symptoms of stuffy nose. It is important to use steroid nasal spray as directed by the physician, else it can be a cause of stuffy nose as well and the problem will persist as long as you are addicted to such steroid nasal sprays or decongestants.

There can be some more reasons that may lead to a stuffy nose but they occur rarely. Thus, if the symptoms of stuffy nose persist for more than three weeks, it is strongly recommended to consult to your doctor immediately.

How to Prevent a Stuffy Nose?

The risk of a stuffy nose increases with the unhealthy lifestyle including improper sleep, stress, poor diet etc… Make sure that you follow a healthy routine to avoid health problems. A healthy lifestyle leads to stronger immunity that is helpful in preventing stuffy nose caused due to fungus or bacteria in air. You can improve your immunity by follow these tips:

  • Minimize the intake of sugar in your diet.
  • Include lots of omega-3 supplements in your diet such as krill oil, which is very helpful in avoiding inflammation.
  • Sunrays are excellent source of Vitamin D. You can make your immune system stronger by exposing yourself to sunlight to an acceptable range.
  • Coconut oil possesses excellent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Thus, using it for preparation of food can make your immune system better.
  • Try to stay away from mycotoxic food items.
  • Make sure that you give yourself enough time to sleep.
  • Exercise regularly to maintain good health and stronger immune system.

You can try some common remedies to clear off congestion in nose. A hot shower is usually helpful as the steam makes the breathing easier by clearing off the mucus deposition in nose.

  • A drop in temperature of the surrounding can lead to stuffy nose as the cool air enters into the body. Also, drop in humidity levels can make you more prone to a stuffy nose. Humidity level between 35 and 45 percent is considered to be ideal as it does not allow moulds or fungus to infect nose and cause congestion in nose.
  • Drinking enough water also helps in preventing a stuffy nose. It ensures proper circulation of fluids in nose, reducing the pressure in the sinuses.
  • Avoiding exposure to particles that can cause allergy can make sure that your nose remains clear. You can consult to your doctor and take necessary medicines for your allergies.
  • Keeping your clean and free from germs helps in avoiding infections. Make sure that you wash your hands regularly.
  • You can prevent the unwanted particles from entering your nose by putting on a breathing mask when you go out in pollution or decide to clean your house.
  • Try to avoid stress and keep yourself relaxed by exercising or practicing Yoga.
  • Take proper sleep to keep the stuffy nose away.
  • In some cases, reducing the intake of dairy products can help in preventing stuffy nose.
  • Avoid certain food products in your diet to prevent stuffy nose, they include gluten, refined sugar and dairy products.
  • Pets can also cause allergy resulting into stuffy nose. Maintain a proper isolation from your pets in such case.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 6, 2023

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