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What Causes Burning Sensation in the Ear?

Burning sensation in ear is the most prevalent problem and it can be very painful as well. Burning in ear can be felt in any part of the ear which can be very severe at times. Let us look into the causes of burning sensation in ear and home remedies to get rid of it.

What Causes Burning Sensation in the Ear?

What Causes Burning Sensation in the Ear?

Some of the main condition, which can cause burning sensation in the ears include problems that you commonly experience.

Burning Sensation in Ear Caused Due to Allergies

An exposure to some allergens can cause or worsen burning sensation in the ears. These could be certain air pollutants, food items that you cannot tolerate well or some substances which come in contact with the skin of the ears. Exposure or contact of the skin can cause irritation of the area and result in inflammation and burning sensation in the ear.

Some of the common allergens that can cause burning sensation in the ears include

  • Oak
  • Cosmetics
  • Artificial jewelry
  • Chemicals contained in rubber or elastic products
  • Food items containing specific ingredients to which you are allergic, shellfish or seafood, peanuts, etc.


Infections are one of the common causes of burning sensation in the ears. While infections affecting the skin can cause burning sensation in ears, other systemic infections too can cause irritation, pain and burning in the ears. Infections can be caused by bacteria, virus or fungi and cause burning in and around the ears. Respiratory infections that cause soreness in throat, ear infections, which cause pain or discharge from the ears too can commonly cause burning sensation in the ears.

Conditions like the ringworm can spread to the ear resulting in itching and burning sensation in the ears. Other infections like yeast infection, herpes and chicken pox too can cause this problem.

Skin Disease

A burning sensation in the ears can also be caused by the skin diseases that may prove to be a menace if ignored. The skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis can cause intense itching, pain and burning sensation in the ears.

Sun burn also remains a major cause of the burning ear problem. Stress and depression, exposure to extreme cold or heat and consumption of medicines that you cannot tolerate can sometimes result in burning sensation in the ear. Injuries to the area around the ears or discomfort and pain in the muscles or bones in the ears too can sometimes cause burning sensation in the ear. Sometimes, injury or damage to the nerves can cause burning sensation in the ear or the area around it.

Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of the Burning Sensation in the Ear

There are some home remedies which can help to relieve burning sensation in ear.

  • Warm compress is the best home remedy for burning sensation in the ear. Using warm bottle compress can give you immediate relief from ear pain as well.
  • Salt is a well-known home remedy for burning ear and it is too simple to use it. Roast some salt and fill it in a cloth. Make sure the temperature is bearable and give compress to the ear.
  • Another well-known natural home remedy for burning sensation in ear is basil leaves. Crush 4 to 5 basil leaves to take out its juice and mix it with a carrier oil like almond, olive or jojoba oil. Apply this mix on to the affected area and keep it for some time and then wipe it off. This may give you a great relief from the burning sensation in the ear.
  • Garlic also provides quick relief from ear pain and burning sensation and its microbial property can help to fight infections as well. It is believed that using fresh garlic oil can provide quick relief in ear pain and burning sensation in ear.
  • Another effective home remedy to get rid of burning sensation in ear is onion. Cut onion into pieces, heat it to get the juice and then pour it into your ears. If you do not want to use in this way, then go for heating the onion pieces and wrap it in a cloth and then give a compress to the ailing ear.
  • A mix of olive oil and tea tree oil can work wonders to get rid of burning sensation in the ear and helps you in quick recovery. Also with the help of the lavender essential oil you can prepare a good remedy for the burning ear sensation.
  • You can also use the cotton ball dipped in the hydrogen peroxide and then pour it in the ear. This will dislodge the debris in the ear and will help you in easing out the burning sensation in the ear.
  • If burning sensation in the ear is due to common cold or throat infections, the best home remedy is plain steam or herbal steam inhalation. Regular use can eventually work in warding off the sensation to a greater extent.
  • A warm herbal tea also helps in relieving the pain because of its antioxidant property. You can also prepare the tea with the help of the basil leaves and black pepper, which are great home remedies.

If the use of these wonderful home remedies do not give much relief from the burning sensation in the ear or if your symptoms continue, it is better to seek medical advice.


  1. “Burning Sensation in Ear: Causes and Home Remedies” – Healthline Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/burning-sensation-in-ear
  2. “What Causes a Burning Sensation in the Ear?” – MedicalNewsToday Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324701
  3. “Home Remedies for Ear Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Relief” – WebMD Source: https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/ear-infection/ear-pain-home-remedies
  4. “Burning Ears: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments” – Healthgrades Source: https://www.healthgrades.com/right-care/ear-nose-and-throat/burning-ears–causes-symptoms-and-treatments
  5. “Ear Pain: Home Remedies and When to See a Doctor” – Mayo Clinic Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ear-infections/in-depth/ear-pain/art-20004302
  6. “Effective Home Remedies for Ear Pain and Burning Sensation” – HealthCentral Source: https://www.healthcentral.com/slideshow/effective-home-remedies-for-ear-pain-and-burning-sensation
  7. “Natural Remedies for Ear Pain and Discomfort” – Verywell Health Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/natural-remedies-for-ear-pain-and-discomfort-5180515

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 9, 2023

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