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Is Aching Leg A Symptom Of Covid-19?

With this COVID-19 outbreak and its new variant Omicron, many people have been affected in various ways. There are some common symptoms of Covid-19 that are well-known and include fever, cold, or throat pain. However, many people contracting Covid-19 in recent times are reporting some lesser-known symptoms of Covid-19, such as aching legs. Let’s read further to know more about this symptom and discover if it is in reality a symptom of Covid-19?

Is Aching Leg A Symptom Of Covid-19?

Is Aching Leg A Symptom Of Covid-19?

Now, Covid-19 along with its Omicron variant has spread all over the world. Lots of people are getting down with COVID-19 even after being vaccinated. Though COVID infected people are commonly experiencing symptoms of cold, fever, loss of taste and smell, chest pain, sore throat, headache and cough; there are also some other symptoms like an intense and sharp pain in the leg or the aching legs.

Though there is no evidence or any specific data or information related to this symptom, it could be said that aching legs could be one of the symptoms of Covid-19 and one affected person might be having aching legs because of joint and bone pain due to infection.

However, it is possible that if you are having fever, sore throat, cough, along with pain in the leg or aching legs, you might be affected with Covid-19. Though, aching legs symptom is a rare one in the case of COVID-19

Pain in the legs could be because of the muscle or bone and joint pains due to the infection after one being affected with COVID-19. But, again, muscle pain is also a rare symptom of COVID-19.

A report from early in the pandemic has reviewed various symptoms of COVID-19 in about 55, 924 people, and it was found that muscle pain appeared only in 14.8% of individuals.(1) This was also backed up by two later systematic reviews that showed that about 16.9% and 17% of people with COVID-19 experienced muscle pain.(2,3)

Can Aching Leg Persist After Recovering From Covid-19?

In general, most people recover from COVID-19 within 1 or 2 weeks. However, some of its symptoms might persist longer.

As stated by the CDC, post-Covid conditions might include a lot of symptoms and persist for even 4 or more weeks.(4) Sometimes even people who are affected with COVID-19, who did not experience the symptoms of leg aches or body aches, might experience after recovering from Covid-19

Ways To Get Rid of Aching Legs During Covid-19

Leg pain or pain in muscles and the body can be excruciating and can interfere with your quality of life. So, one should take proper steps to manage the symptom of aching legs or any other body aches. Read below to know about some ways to get rid of aching legs during Covid-19

Take Proper Rest

“Rest is best”. If you are suffering from aching legs due to covid-19 or any other cause and are unable to straighten or bend your knee joints, one of the most important things that you need to do is take enough rest. Avoid strenuous activities that can aggravate your leg pain.

Massage Can Do Wonders

Everyone is aware that massage can do wonders in reducing body pains. So, when you try a gentle leg massage, it can be effective in easing the aching leg symptoms and making you feel relaxed. Make a note that while massaging, you are not doing it harshly since it can increase the pain.

Elevation Could Be Beneficial

Sometimes, you might be affected by damage to your leg health because your legs might be lacking proper elevation. But, when you use pillows for elevating your legs, it could be beneficial in getting you rid of the aching legs and also help in better blood flow and relax your leg muscles.

Stretching Can Do The Job

Stretching can be beneficial in treating aching legs. This works effectively since it reduces the soreness in your leg muscles. So, try any light stretching exercises.

Applying Ice Pack Could Do The Trick

One can use an ice pack for reducing any sort of pain and inflammation. So, if you are suffering from aching legs, you can apply the ice pack over the affected area.

Epsom Salt Is The Game-Changer

Epsom salt is known to remove toxins out of the body that might be causing inflammation, body aches, or irritation. So, for getting rid of the symptom of aching legs, you should soak your feet in Epsom salt water which would surely provide you enough relaxation.

Medication Could Be Effective

Make a note that medications could work effectively in treating or getting rid of aching legs due to COVID-19. However, make sure that the medicines that you take for the same must be prescribed by your doctor.

Final Words:

From the above, we could get to know that though some people being affected with Covid-19 might experience symptoms of aching legs including pain in various muscles and body aches; it cannot be concluded that someone is COVID-19 +ve if they are suffering from this symptom. However, it might be possible that aching leg could be one of the Covid-19 symptoms since it has been found that COVID patients experience muscle and body pain in various parts of their body, including legs.

One should pay strict attention to other symptoms of Covid-19 too. And the best thing to be done when someone experiences aching legs along with other symptoms of Covid-19, get a Covid-19 test done.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2022

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