Myxofibrosarcoma is a rare malignant cancer that usually develops in lower extremities. This cancer is not studied well. Its tumors are either located superficially under the skin or deep-seated in the muscles. It can be single or multiple in number. Its exact causes are also not clearly understood. Tumors grow slowly and disrupt the integrity of the part it grows. It is usually painless without symptoms. It can relapse back in the same with remission period. It may be temporary or permanent.
What Is The Recovery Period For Myxofibrosarcoma?
Myxofibrosarcoma is metastatic cancer that spreads to different parts of the body. It affects connective tissue beneath the skin and muscle tissues of extremities leg and arm. It rarely affects hands and feet. It is a slow-growing tumor that develops in elderly people in their 50s, 60s or 70s. Its incidences are seen slightly more in men or women. Its tumors are painless infiltrating mass that grows under the skin or deep muscular tissues.(2)
Myxofibrosarcoma is also known as malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH). It is characterized by the slow development of infiltrating mass without pain in the affected areas. It is a malignant tumor that may spread to other parts of the body. Its exact causes are not known. It is assumed to be caused due to mutations in the genes. There is no risk factor known for myxofibrosarcoma until today. It cannot be prevented as this type of cancer is not understood fully.(1)
As micro fibrosarcoma is metastatic cancer and it spreads to other parts of the body, its treatment requires specialized medical attention. Its treatment plan includes a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of them. If the tumor is not growing, specialists adopt a wait and watch approach which is known as active surveillance.(3)
If tumors grow rapidly, surgical removal of tumors or surgical removal of a limb (amputation) is advocated. It is done to control the tumor. If the tumor grows again in the back, in the arm or leg after surgery, it can be reduced by treatment methods. Sometimes, cancer remains silent and without symptoms, then this period is called the remission period. It can be temporary or permanent.(3)
There is a constant risk of recurrence of this cancer. The treatment options are selected according to the risk. When cancer reappears after successful treatment, it develops in the same place, nearby space or distant place. It is also observed, that if cancer cells have developed in the arm or leg, its recurrence may also happen in the lungs.(3)
This cycle continues and local recurrences may happen and it can be controlled successfully by addition radiation therapy or surgery. It may increase the chances of side effects with each treatment sessions. It is found in clinical studies that treatment of distant recurrences from original tumors is more successful. It is more likely to develop in the lungs and is removed with high dose radiation therapy or surgery.(3)
As myxofibrosarcoma is more risk of reoccurrence, the patients develop emotional disbelief or fear. Recovery from this cancer cannot be estimated and is always not possible. This cancer cannot be cured in many cases because of its recurrent reoccurrences. However, the patients can survive with cancer in the body.(3)
In low-grade myxofibrosarcoma, the 5-year survival rate is estimated to be 50-80 percent. In high-grade myxofibrosarcoma, the 5-year survival rate is limited to 30 percent.(4) The patients who develop advanced cancer, the survival duration of the patient is expected slight longer than 6 months.(3)
Myxofibrosarcoma is a malignant cancerous disease that can reoccur in the same area or remote parts of the body. It can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Recovery from this cancer is not always possible and cannot be accurately estimated.
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