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How Long Can You Live With A Brain Aneurysm?

Brain aneurysm is a ballooning in the blood vessels connecting brain. It actually looks as if a berry is hanging down the stem. The problem can lead to brain damage and if left untreated for prolong period of time then aneurysm can get ruptured in brain. This rupturing of aneurysm usually occurs between the brain and the soft tissues that cover the brain from outside. Rupturing of aneurysm is very dangerous and can even lead to death of the patient. Usually it is observed that aneurysm do not rupture easily unless it becomes severe. However, it creates a lot of health related complicated issues. The most interesting thing about aneurysm it that it is often detected while testing for some other health disorder.

Brain Aneurysm Treatment

The treatment flow of brain aneurysms is slightly complicated. Some of the experts suggest that if aneurysms is less than or equal to 10mm is less harmful and does not need any treatment. However, if the size of the aneurysms is more than 10mm then it should be explained properly and should be treated on time. Another factor that calls for due consideration is that treatment for aneurysms is done only on patients who are less than fifty years old because patients who are more than fifty years are not considered healthy for the patient.

The main controversy actually occurs between morbidity and mortality surgery conducted for treating brain aneurysms. Considering the statistical data, till date the highest mortality recorded is almost 3.8 percent and the highest morbidity rate is recorded 15.7 percent. Research conducted on brain aneurysms reveals that, aneurysms which is more than 10 mm in size calls for immediate treatment. In most of the patients the symptoms of this brain problem is not observed unless until it is diagnosed in some other test. The symptoms are also not seen in patients suffering from CMC i.e. coexisting medical conditions.

Surgical treatment which is considered as the most effective one but it is not recommended for patients who are suffering from health disorder or medical history. ET i.e. Endovascular therapy or coiling is another very effective surgical technique which can cause destruction to aneurysm. The main aim of conducting brain aneurysm treatment is to prevent loose of blood or bleeding from brain.

Constant bleeding from brain because of aneurysm calls for immediate medical help from neurosurgeon or interventional radiologist. These specialists examine the patient deeply and then prescribe whether surgery is required or even coiling can perform the required work. For instance, neurologist may take a call for blood suctioning from the affected, which is not massive and does not cause any sort of brain damage.

Bleeding from brain is considered as a serious medical emergency, this is the reason that all the treatments that are designed to cure aneurysms focus on reducing bleeding.

Nimodipine is commonly used for providing instant relief from the unusual spasms that occurs in the blood arteries inside the brain. Further, Anti-epileptic medications such as phenytoin are prescribed for preventing and curing all sort of seizures. This is not the end there are some strong antihypertensive medicines available that mainly help in reducing the pressure exerted on the blood vessel walls present inside brain. This indeed also helps in reducing the amount of bleeding inside the brain partially or completely.

How Long Can You Live With A Brain Aneurysm?

How Long Can You Live With A Brain Aneurysm?

Survival rate of brain aneurysm is good. Studies done on this critical brain disorder reveals that in United States more than six million people are suffering from this problem but have un-ruptured brain aneurysm and around ten to fifteen percent are suffering from more than one aneurysm. On an average the per year ratio of aneurysm rupturing is one percent. Patients who suffer from huge size aneurysm i.e., where the size of aneurysm is more than an inch, in them the chances of rupturing is much higher. The good thing is that people who survive even with ruptured aneurysm is more than sixty percent. This means the mortality rate is around forty percent or less.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 21, 2023

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