Can I Get in a Hot Tub With a Blood Clot?

Understanding blood clot is an essential aspect for everyone, as over 300,000 people are experiencing the condition every year. Blood clots occur due to an extended period of immobility. Additionally, family history for the presence of blood clots and deep vein thrombosis or DVT condition also results in the formation of blood clots.

Majority of the people experiencing the blood clots have similar symptoms, which include:

  1. Swelling
  2. Pain
  3. Discoloration
  4. Weakness.

Can I Get in a Hot Tub With a Blood Clot?

Can I Get in a Hot Tub With a Blood Clot?

When we speak about the use of hot tubs, they are good for everyone. The warm temperature of the water provides relief and reduces the stress at several points in the body after a tiresome day. However, an individual experiencing the blood clots will have to speak with the concerned doctor. The reason for talking to a doctor is that only a few people diagnosed with blood clots or deep vein thrombosis can get into the hot tub. It is because of the condition that the individual is experiencing.

Depending on the symptoms experienced by the individual and the state of the clot, getting into hot tub will be of help, as the warmth provided by the water can reduce the swelling by decreasing the size of the blood clots. It further helps in preventing the growth of the size of the existing clots.

Understanding Blood Clots

Blood clots occur in small, medium, and large sizes. When the clots are in small sizes, the individual does not experience any symptom or pain. In fact, there is no swelling, redness, or discoloration. When the clots grow in size to the medium state, one will experience shortness of breath and chest pain. It is here that one can notice the symptoms in the initial stage. Attending to it in this state will be helpful in preventing the growth of the clot into a larger size.

If left untreated, the larger blood clots break free from the vein and enter the bloodstream to other parts of the body. As they pass through the bloodstream, they block the narrow passages of veins in the lungs causing pulmonary embolism. Although pulmonary embolism is curable, attending to it at the earliest is necessary to prevent death.

Treatment for Blood Clot

Apart from getting into the hot tub, it is possible for an individual to cure blood clots and prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the first stage by speaking with the concerned doctor. Treatment includes the use of medicines, physical exercises, and surgery. Initially, the doctor will prescribe anticoagulants, such as warfarin and heparin, which help in thinning the blood and lessen the formation of blood clots.

Participating in physical exercises such as swimming, walking, running and jogging helps in the muscular movement, causing stress on the veins, which results in a reduction in the size of the clots and delay their growth size. Physical activity also helps in bringing down the weight, which helps in reducing the stress taken by the knee and legs.
Surgery is the last option that the doctor prefers to opt for, as it involves a difficult procedure. After successful completion, the individual will be free from blood clots. However, one will have to follow post-surgery activities to keep the clots away from recurrence.


Getting into a hot tub for a person with a blood clot provides a pleasant relief. However, in a few cases, it can be the opposite. Therefore, it is preferable to speak with the doctor whether one can get into the hot tub for a few minutes to feel refreshed and bring down the pain and swelling.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 13, 2021

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