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Why Does My Neck Hurt After Waking Up & Does Amitriptyline Help With Neck Pain?

Why Does My Neck Hurt After Waking Up?

If you often experience neck pain after you wake up from the sleep, it is essential for you to check and avoid a few of your sleeping habits to avoid the problem in future. These include-

Why Does My Neck Hurt After Waking Up?

Specific Sleeping Position

If you sleep on your stomach, you are not doing any favor on your neck. This is because; when you opt to sleep on the stomach, your neck and head twist towards the side, which further puts pressure on the nerves. Hence, by changing your sleeping position to back or sideways may help you wake up free from neck pain.

Position Of The Pillow

The pillow you use for sleeping should essentially be in the right position according to your head so that it remains in a neutral and healthy position. Accordingly, your nose should essentially remain in line with the central part of your spine and your entire body. In addition, if you use an excessively fat pillow your head and neck will bend in an upward direction.

On the other side, if you go with an excessively flat pillow, it results in bending of your neck and head in a downward direction. Hence, whenever you choose a specific type of pillow, you should give priority to the memory or feather foam i.e. the one molds to the specific shape of your neck in a comfortable way.(1)

You Have Weak or Stiff Muscles

If you experience neck pain after waking up because of any physical injury or any other chronic condition, including the problem of arthritis, you should definitely consider scheduling an appointment with your therapist. These experts make you learning specific physical exercises to stretch as well as strengthen your muscles responsible to support your neck and in turn, to let you feel comfortable.

Follow a Few Key Good Sleeping Practices

Lastly, you should follow a few of the good sleeping practices to overcome your neck pain. These include waking up and going to sleep at the same time on a daily basis, regardless it is a weekend or a weekday. In addition, you should avoid alcohol and caffeine intake as well as switch off your phone device, laptop or any other electronic device at least half an hour of your bedtime or sleeping time (1)

Does Amitriptyline Help With Neck Pain?

If you fail to get relieved from the aforementioned changes in your sleeping habits, selection of your pillow or changing your sleeping position, you should consult with your doctor to avail certain medications to deal with your neck pain, especially after waking up in the morning. In most of the cases, doctors recommend you low doses of Amitriptyline to deal with your neck pain, especially due to anxiety, stress, and depression.(2)

What Makes Amitriptyline So Special?

Amitriptyline is a type of tricyclic antidepressant drug. Because of this, doctors recommend for its lower doses to block the chronic or long-term pain of few of the rheumatic conditions. The logic, in this case, is simple i.e. chemical changes in the brain, neck and the spinal cord i.e. organs of the central nervous system affect the regulation of pain and in turn, causes an increase in distress levels and pain. On the other side, Amitriptyline the respective chemicals to relax one’s muscles, relieve head and neck pain, while improving sleep. (2)


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 1, 2019

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