Living a healthy lifestyle can help decrease your risk of contracting dangerous conditions or diseases. Everyone wants to lessen their risk of developing chronic conditions, but you may have to change parts of your lifestyle to make it happen. To fully minimize your possibilities of developing diseases, try adopting some of the following lifestyle changes.
1. Stop Smoking
If you’ve never smoked a cigarette before, don’t start. People who smoke cigarettes have a greater likelihood of developing lung cancer than if they had never started smoking. Picking up a cigarette even once can increase your chances of developing it.
The good news is that if you quit smoking now, your likelihood of developing cardiovascular problems or cancer will decrease to almost that of a non-smoker over time.
2. Don’t Drink in Excess
Alcohol is permissible in moderation, but don’t make a habit of drinking too much. Heavy drinking is one of the most significant causes of death because alcohol can affect your body in several ways. Drinking too much of it over a lengthy period can lead to addiction or liver disease.
By cutting back to no more than three to four drinks per day, you might be able to decrease your chances of contracting liver disease.
3. Avoid Overeating
Just like alcohol, any food can be part of a sustainable diet when consumed in moderation. You should adhere to a healthy, balanced diet so you can avoid overeating foods that may not be great for you in excess. Eating too much sugar can affect your arteries and lead to heart conditions or diabetes over time.
Similarly, consuming too much salt can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure, so make sure to keep track of how much you eat of your favorite foods.
4. Adjust Your Commute
If you drive everywhere and are located in a hub of your city or town, consider switching your automobile for a bicycle or walking. Walking can be a great way to decrease stress and stay in shape in a low-effort way, plus it allows you to enjoy the outdoors while you accomplish your tasks.
Avoiding cars entirely isn’t the way to go, especially if you live in the suburbs or a rural area, but cutting down on fossil fuel consumption could prove to be better for you and the environment.
5. Eat a Plant-Based Diet
Plant-based diets don’t indicate that a person has a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. It simply means the bulk of what they eat comes from plants — so they can still eat meat. Switching to a plant-based diet may help you if you need to eat more vegetables but can’t give up meat or dairy. Since eating more plants can decrease your risk of getting cancer or other chronic diseases, it’s an excellent choice for people seeking an easy way to become healthier.
The price of fresh food might be higher than frozen or processed food, but the quality of fresh, plant-based food is worth it. You can save money by planning your meals out ahead of time or searching through coupons for your favorite grocery store. Eating well on a budget is possible — you just need to know where to look for discounts.
6. Stay at a Healthy Weight
Getting to a healthy weight is one accomplishment, but continuing to maintain that healthy weight may also prove challenging. While someone’s size may not determine their health or activity level, it’s also true that obesity can often lead to early mortality or other comorbidities that could affect their quality of life.
The most important conditions to watch out for are those involving cardiovascular health, as they may be more prevalent in people who are obese.
7. Get the Right Amount of Sleep
Most adults need around eight hours of sleep per night to function efficiently the next day. Sleeping is your body’s time to relax and heal from the day. When people are sick, they sleep to feel better. As sleeping regulates the functions of your body, you should ensure that you’re not only supporting yourself in a healthy waking environment but also doing the most to optimize your nighttime health, too. You can train yourself to wind down from screens starting at a specific time to realign your body with its internal clock.
8. Exercise Regularly
Most experts say that people should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of activity per day. Staying active can help you stay fit and maintain a healthy weight. It can also challenge your body to function more efficiently, so you can improve your circulation and overall heart health just by participating in some cardio every day.
If you don’t feel up to running, swimming, or any other intensive activity, consider going for a walk every night after dinner. Walking will boost your health and allow you to reap plenty of benefits without getting tired or sweaty.
9. Stay Mindful and Grateful
Practicing gratitude can lead to lower stress levels. Once you realize what you have around you and understand how far you’ve come, you may find yourself grateful for all that you’ve accomplished and all the wonderful people you know.
Stress can be a silent killer that leads to numerous chronic health conditions. While you may not eliminate your stress, minimizing it by staying mindful of the present and being grateful for what you have can help you feel a little more calm and happy.
10. Limit Sedentary Living
Even if you sit down for eight hours at your job, you should make time for breaks to get up and move. Adopting a sedentary lifestyle isn’t good for your health, as it can lead to cardiovascular issues, diabetes, increased risks of certain cancers, and so much more. By taking just five minutes to move around every couple of hours or so, you can decrease your risk of developing one of these chronic conditions.
You may find that moving around can also lessen some symptoms of anxiety and depression. If you’re worried about choosing too lofty a goal, just make sure you get a certain number of steps in every day. As you meet your goals and your confidence grows, so does your step count. Aim for 10,000 steps a day to kick the sedentary lifestyle out of your life.
Make a Commitment to Living Healthily
Living a healthy life means living a longer life. In addition to quitting bad habits and building good ones, you should see your healthcare provider often to keep a benchmark of your health. Knowing your baseline normal can help you pinpoint whether there’s something wrong in the future. Keep working toward a healthier and happier lifestyle to spend more time exploring the world and bonding with your loved ones.