Benefits & Side Effects of Krill Oil

Krill is a shrimp-like, tiny animal. Krill oil is made from the oil of this animal. The oil is extracted from krill and placed in capsules and are used as medicine. In some products, Euphausia superba also known as Antarctic krill is used. Krill oil has many health benefits. Let us have a look at it in detail.

Benefits & Side Effects of Krill Oil

Benefits of Krill Oil

Krill Oil renews one’s health. Some of the exciting benefits of this oil are listed below:

  • Benefits of Krill Oil for Improving Cardiovascular Health: The omega-3 present in krill oil has been used for long to improve cardiovascular health. It lowers bad cholesterol level, increases the good cholesterol level and reduces the level of triglyceride. It also prevents blood clots that cause strokes and heart attacks.
  • Benefits of Krill Oil in Reducing Pre-menstrual Syndrome Distress: Krill oil helps to reduce the anguish related to pre-menstrual syndrome. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. It may be due to this property that women taking krill oil experience less discomfort from cramps, mild mood swings and retention of unwanted fluid.
  • Krill Oil is Beneficial in Improving Joint Lubrication: Krill oil is very effective in lubricating joints. People taking krill oil experience less distress of joints, reduced stiffness in joints and overall increase in mobility.
  • Quick and Sharp Mind: With the increase in age, our sharpness of mind and alertness decreases. Krill oil is very beneficial for the health of brain. If someone is suffering from attention difficulties, then they can increase their mental focus and concentration by taking the oil supplements. It is also found that higher level of omega-3 can protect one from problems of memory loss.
  • Skin Health Benefits of Krill Oil: The effectiveness of anti-oxidants is measured with the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) scale. The ORAC value in krill oil is found to be 43. It contains astaxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant. These antioxidants help in giving a clean and clear complexion.
  • Krill Oil Benefits for Promoting Neurological Development of Infants: Doctors often recommend pregnant mothers to increase consumption of omega-3 to enhance neurological development in infants. For the strong development of eyes, brain and central nervous system of infants, omega-3 fatty acids play a very important role. For this, intake of krill oil can be beneficial as it is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. However, one must consult a doctor before consumption of anything during pregnancy.
  • For Depression: Many doctors recommend this supplement along with anti-depressants for those patients who need a boost. It is always wise to start using this supplement only after consulting your doctor.
  • Improving Digestion: Omega-3, which is present in abundant amount in krill oil, helps to increase digestion. A number of researches over time have shown that among all the fats, omega-3 fatty acids are the best.
  • Krill oil maintains the level of blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • It helps to increase immune system function.
  • Krill oil gives a youthful vigor and good health.
  • Krill oil helps in making the liver functions better.

We all know that our body cannot produce omega-3. So, it is very important to ensure that it is taken as a dietary supplement. Every day millions of people take fish oil supplement to increase omega-3 but 90% of its benefits are lost due to poor absorption. This is why intake of the krill oil is encouraged by scientists.

Side Effects of Krill Oil

Krill oil is possibly safe for everyone and is considered to be the safest supplement. It is 100% natural. It is believed that krill oil has no side effects of its own. If you are looking to boost your health then you can add this supplement as a part of your daily diet. Although it is safe, it is always wise to be careful. Certain research has shown that krill oil can cause some side effects like heartburn, bad breath, nausea, upset stomach and loose stools. The effect of omega-3 also depends on individual. It is important to consult a practitioner before taking these supplements. It is wise to avoid krill oil if you are suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure or taking medications.

Some of the noted adverse effects are:

  • Effects of Krill Oil on Medication: Krill oil can have adverse reactions with some medications. It is very important to consult your doctor if you are planning to add this supplement to your diet. Your doctor will definitely test your blood to ensure that this supplement does not cause any negative effects on you.
  • Intake of Krill Oil during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding: Not much is known whether it is safe to take this supplement during pregnancy and breast feeding. So if you are pregnant it is better that you stay on the safer side and avoid using it. In case you want to get the benefits of this oil, consult a doctor before starting its intake.
  • Effects of Krill Oil on Diabetes: If individuals with diabetes take too much of this supplement, it may have a side effect of causing high blood sugar. It would be wise to consult your doctor before taking this supplement.
  • Effects of Krill Oil on High Blood Pressure: Although, it is true that this oil is very beneficial for cardiovascular health but if you have high blood pressure then you should be cautious. If you are taking medication to lower your pressure, this oil supplement may actually drop your blood pressure further. So before taking this supplement it is important to take the advice of your doctor.
  • Effects of Krill Oil on Blood Thinning Medications: Omega-3 supplements prevent clumping of platelets together. This often leads to the thinning of blood. So if you are on a blood thinning medications, then consumption of krill oil will double the effect and can bring in further complications. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
  • Allergic Reaction of Krill Oil: If you are allergic to seafood then there are chances that you might be allergic to krill oil supplements also. However, there is no reliable source of information to prove the fact that people allergic to seafood are also allergic to this oil. Yet, it is advisable to be cautious if you have seafood allergy.
  • Side Effects of Krill Oil during Surgery: Krill oil helps in blood thinning which slows down clotting of blood. It increases the bleeding risk during and after surgery. One must stop these supplements two weeks before any surgery. It is also important to inform your doctor about your supplements before surgery.
  • Stomach Upset as a Side Effect of Krill Oil: You may notice an upset stomach after taking krill oil supplement. When high doses are taken it may also lead to discomfort and pain. Hence, one must take the supplement in a moderate amount.

Certain Factors that Cause the Side Effects When Consuming Krill Oil

The side effect of krill oil is influenced by certain factors. If you are planning to add this supplement to your daily diet then it is very important that you go through these factors. The factors are listed below.

  • Quality of Krill Oil: If you buy a poor quality supplement then you are likely to experience the side effects. A krill that is of low quality and is not tested by IKOS has chances of side effects. It is important to buy the highest quality krill oil which are fresh and free from all metal toxicity.
  • Composition of Ingredient of Krill Oil: The composition of ingredients also causes side effects. The proportion in which omega-3 fatty acids, astaxanthin and phospholipids are present can also influence your experience of side effects.

Dosage of Krill Oil

The right dosage depends on many factors like the health and age of the user and several other health conditions. It is important to remember that natural products are safe and useful but the right dosage is a must. So it is always better to consult a doctor before you decide to start taking this supplement. In this way you can enjoy the benefits of this oil without any fear of its side effects. This oil interacts with various medications that include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and many others. Hence, it is better to talk to your doctor before you start taking this supplement.


Fish oil may contain certain level of toxins while krill oil does not. This may be due to the fact that krill feeds only on phytoplankton that does not contain mercury. It is believed that the omega-3 which is extracted from krill is the purest. Krill oil really works well for those who are not allergic to seafood. If you are allergic to seafood then you should definitely stay away from this supplement as it may cause itchy skin and puffy lips. However, it is important to remember that all people are different and a person who is allergic to seafood might not experience the side effects while somebody who is not allergic to seafood can experience side effects. Hence, one must consult a doctor before starting krill oil supplements.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 18, 2017

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